Hot Lunches

At Monsignor Ronan we offer a Hot Lunch Program throughout the year. All orders are placed through SOLOLunch and paid through School Day or directly with . Please do not send money or orders to the school with your child.


2022-2023 School Year Hot Lunch Options
January 2023 to June 2023

Monsignor Ronan First Time Instructions for Lunches Made Easy and Pizza Pizza with 

The Hot Lunch program is a fundraiser for your school. This year, your school has subscribed to Lunches Made Easy Catering and Simple Online Lunch Ordering. Lunches Made Easy provides nutritious and delicious homemade meals that are approved by the school board.  SOLOlunch is a web-based solution for ordering and administering the lunch program. allows students and/or parents to place their lunch orders online and to print a family summary page. Orders can also be filled out on a mobile phone or via a public computer, i.e. library, as long as there's internet access.  A portion of each food item ordered is used to support the initiatives of your school. 

The first time you login, you have to be assigned a Username.  To receive your Username, create your own password, and begin ordering you will need to: 

  1. Go to and Click on 'No Username Yet?' to the right of the login box. Then, select your school, and enter your school password knights. (You will select your own password in Step 3).  You shouldn't need to do this more than once ... next time you're logging in just use that username and the password you've chosen.

  2. Then click on ‘Get Family Account’, which will provide your family with an automatically generated username. Your username will be your school prefix mro followed by three numbers (like mro034).  This username is unique to your family. Record your username in a safe place.  

  3. Go to now and login with that username and your school's password. This will bring you to the Family Registration page. Create your family account by completing this form. It is necessary to change your password from the one provided by your school to your own private password.  Record your password with your username in a safe place.  Fields with an asterisk (*) must be filled in.

  4. Click on ‘Save Family Information’, and the ‘Family Information’ page will appear requesting your child/children’s first name(s) and teacher selection.

  5. Click on ‘Child/Children information, and your setup is complete.

  6. Click on ‘Order Food Now’ and ‘Ordering Instructions’ will appear, giving you the opportunity to order food for every student in your family and print a summary page. Under Order Summary, select Click Here to Pay through School Day and go to your dashboard, then go to services. You will find a link for Payment for SOLOlunch.  If you have any issues with that, please contact your school administration office.

  7. Next time you're logging in, go to and use that username and the password that you recorded in that safe place.  If you misplace your username and/or password or have difficulties with your order, please contact your school’s SOLO administrator ([email protected]) to have your account reset, rather than generating another account for your family.

Payments will be made through School Day – there will be a link provided under Dashboard, Services, Payment for SOLOlunch.  As soon as the payment is checked off, your child(s) food will be ordered for their classroom. If no payment is received by the due date, your child will not receive the food that was ordered.  Email reminders will be sent when each food order is opened and 2 days before it closes.  If there is food on a Snow Day, we will send an email with the new lunch date.

Your privacy is of the utmost importance; our policy is posted on the website.  For more information, please contact Tracy at [email protected] or Victoria DeVita at [email protected]

Thank you for choosing Lunches Made Easy and!